viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012


America’s cut - A boneless, center-cut top loin pork chop cut according to specific industry standards.
Bacon - A cut of pork from the hog’s sides and belly that has been cured and/or smoked. It consists of fat interspersed with strands of meat. Available sliced or in a "slab" (one piece).
Bacon Bits - Small chips of dried, crisp bacon. Bacon bits can also be made from bacon-flavored soy or other vegetable proteins.
Bacon, Canadian-style - A cut of pork from the eye of the loin, located in the middle back of the loin. Canadian-style bacon is cut into round or oblong slices. It more closely resembles ham rather than regular bacon. Also called back bacon.
Bacon Grease - The fat rendered from bacon.
Banger - British slang for sausages traditionally made from ground pork and breadcrumbs.
Barbecue; Barbeque; Bar-B-Q v. - A method of slowly cooking pork in an open pit or on a spit using coals, hardwoods, gas or electricity as a heat source. The same effect can also be achieved using a grill by placing the pork on the rack away from the heat source. The food is frequently based with a tangy tomato- or vinegar-based sauce.
Barding - A process of wrapping thins sheets of pork fat or bacon around lean meat or poultry to prevent it from drying out during roasting.
Blade Steak; Pork Steak - A relatively tender piece of pork from the shoulder. Available with bone or boneless.
Boar - An uncastrated male hog.
Bologna; Baloney (bah-LOH-nyah; bah-LOH-nee) - A precooked, highly seasoned sausage made from a mixture of meats, such as pork, beef, veal and/or chicken. Bologna is typically served as a cold cut or sandwich meat.
Braising - A method of cooking pork by simmering it in liquid in a tightly covered pan over low heat. Braising is similar to stewing, but uses a smaller amount of liquid.
Bratwurst (BRAHT-wurst; BRAHT-vursht) - A fresh German sausage made from pork and seasoned with ginger, nutmeg, coriander or caraway.
Braunschwieger (BROWN-shwi-ger; BROWN-shi-ger) - A soft German sausage made from pork liver and enriched with eggs and milk.
Butterfly - A process of cutting boneless meat evenly to but not through the opposite edge, leaving the uncut edge as a “hinge.” When the meat is open, it resembles the wings of a butterfly. Pork loin chops and tenderloins are sometimes butterflied.
Carnitas (Kahr-NEE-tahz) - Mexican for “little meats” or small shreds of browned pork. Usually eaten with salsa or used as a filling for tacos and burritos.
Casing - A membrane used to encase ground meat for sausages before they are cooked or cured. Natural or animal casings come from the intestines of cattle, hogs, goats and sheep. Artificial casings, made from collagen, are edible. Some artificial casings (cellulosic casings and fibrous casings) are not edible and are peeled away before the product is packaged (skinless franks, for example).
Cervelat (SER-vuh-lat) - A type of sausage made from pork and/or beef and seasoned with herbs, spices and other flavorings such as mustard or garlic. Cervelats are cured, dried and smoked. They range from semi-dry to moist to soft.
Chicharrón; Chicharón (chee-chah-RROHN) - A Mexican pork snack made from pork skin that has been fried twice at different temperatures.
Chitterlings; Chitlins; Chitlings (CHIHT-lihnz) - Cleaned, small intestines of freshly slaughtered hogs. Chitterlings are used in soup or battered and fried, or used as sausage casings.
Chop n. - A cut of pork from the loin. Depending on the section of loin where originated, pork chops are named loin, rib, sirloin, top loin and blade chops. Chops are available boneless or with bone attached; thickness varies from 1/2 to 2 inches.
Cracklings; Cracklin’s - The crisp skin of fried or roasted pork after the fat has been rendered.
Crown Roast - A rack of pork or rib roast turned into a circle and tied.
Cure; Curing - A process of infusing meat with a solution of salt, sugar and nitrite to enhance flavor, color and shelf life. Cured products may also be smoked.
Cutlet - A thin, boneless piece of pork cut from the loin. Thickness varies from 1/8 to 1/2 inch.
Dry-Heat Cooking Methods - Cooking methods using air or fat to transfer heat through conduction or convection. Common dry-heat methods for pork include roasting, broiling, panbroiling and sautéing.
Fatback - The layer of fat running along the hog’s back. It is available unsmoked and unsalted, and used for making lard and cracklings.
Finger Meats - Slivers of pork between the ribs. Also called rib fingers.
Frankfurter - A cooked, cured and often smoked sausage. Frankfurters are either skinless or stuffed in a natural casing and linked. Frankfurters are made from beef and/or pork and up to 15 percent poultry.
Fresh Pork - Pork that has not been frozen, cured, smoked, precooked or otherwise processed to a form that changes it from its original meat.
Frill - A strip of paper curled and rolled at one end, and slipped over a protruding bone for decoration. Often used on a pork crown roast.
Frizzes (FRIHZ-ihs) - Dried Italian pork or beef sausages that are squiggly in shape and flavored with garlic and anise.
Frizzle - To cook thin slices of fat, usually bacon, until it is crisp and the edges curl.
Grades for Pork - Pork grades are: U.S. No. 1, U.S. No. 2, U.S. No. 3, U.S. No. 4 and Utility. Pork grades are a general indication of product yield, with less emphasis on the quality. Pork carcasses are seldom graded since carcasses are processed to trimmed primals and subprimals before sale to retailer or further processed cured products.
Grilling - A method of cooking pork over direct heat on an electric, gas or charcoal grill.
Ground Pork - Pork that has been ground or finely chopped. Ground pork is unseasoned and usually available fresh with an average lean-fat ratios of 70% lean, 30% fat.
Ham - A cut of pork from the hind leg that has been cured and smoked.
Ham Hock - The lower portion of the hog’s hind leg, corresponding to a human’s ankle. Available fresh, but more often ham hocks are cured and/or smoked.
Ham, Cooked/Fully Cooked - Cooked ham is ham heated to a temperature of at least 145ºF. This product must be kept refrigerated at all times. Fully cooked ham is ham cooked for lengthy periods at temperatures as high as 250ºF. Both cooked and fully cooked hams are cured and/or smoked. They can be eaten as is, but the flavor is generally improved by further heating prior to serving.
Ham, Country; Country-Style - A dry-cured ham. The ham is hand rubbed with salt, sugar and nitrate; packed in the curing ingredients and usually smoked. A country ham is much drier than injected-cured hams and has a sharper flavored due to its high salt content.
Ham, Fresh - A cut of pork from the hind leg. Fresh ham has been neither cured nor smoked. Also called pork leg or leg of pork.
Ham, Green - A fresh ham.
Ham, Picnic - A cut of pork from the upper part of the foreleg and includes a portion of the shoulder. By definition, it is not a true ham. However, the Picnic is cured in the same manner as ham, giving it a ham-like flavor.
Ham, Smithfield - A ham processed and cured in the area of Smithfield, Virginia. Originally, the hogs were raised on hickory nuts, peanuts and acorns, but today’s hogs are grain-fed. The ham is processed by dry-curing, seasoning, hickory smoking and aging for 6 to 12 months. The result is a meat that is lean, dark in color and has a salty flavor.
Ham, Wet-Cured - A ham treated with a brine solution of water, salt, sugar and spices. The brine ensures that the meat stays moist and tender and lends ham to its appealing taste and texture.
Hock - The lower portion of the hog’s foreleg (Picnic shoulder), corresponding to a human’s ankle. Also called shank.
Hog - A domesticated pig weighing more than 120 pounds.
Hog Jowl - The cheek of a hog. It is usually cut into squares, then cured and smoked. Also called jowl bacon.
Hog Maw - A hog’s stomach stuffed with sausage, then simmered and baked.
Hot Dog - Usually refers to a frankfurter served on a bun. Also refers to just the frankfurter or wiener itself.
Lard - Solid or semisolid white fat made from rendered pork.
Lard, Leaf - Lard made from fat around the hog’s kidneys.
Larding - To insert strips of fat, usually pork or bacon, into a lean cut of meat before it is cooked. The purpose is to add flavor and moisture. The strips are inserted with a special tool called a larding needle.
Lardon; Lardoons (LAHR-don; lahr-DOON) - 1. Long strips of fat use for larding meat. 2. A French term for bacon that has been diced, blanched and fried.
Leg of Pork - An uncured cut of pork from the hind leg. Also called fresh ham.
Liverwurst (LIHV-uhr-wurst; LIHV-uhr-vursht) - A soft, ready-to-eat sausage made from 30 percent pork liver mixed with other meat. Available smoked or cooked, and in links, loaves and slices. Also called liver sausage.
Loin Roast - A roast cut from the loin section. Depending on the specific roast cut, a loin roast can be available with bone (crown roast, for example) or boneless (top loin roast, for example).
Marinade - A seasoned and/or acidic liquid used for marinating.
Marinate - A process of soaking meat in a seasoned liquid to enhance its flavor or in an acidic liquid to tenderize less tender cuts of meat.
Medallion (meh-DAL-yuhn) - A term referring to a small round or oval boneless slice of meat.
Moist-Heat Cooking Methods - Cooking methods using water or steam to transfer heat through convection. Common moist-heat methods for pork are braising and stewing (cooking in liquid).
Natural - Pork processed and handled in compliance with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) natural standards. These standards prohibit the use of artificial ingredients, coloring ingredients or chemicals, and allow only minimal processing.
Nitrates/Nitrites - Approved food additives used as curing agents, color stabilizers and/or preservatives in processed meats. Sodium or potassium nitrites, used in the curing process, inhibit the growth of “Clostridium botulinum” spores (the growth of which can result in botulism). Sodium and potassium nitrates, approved only for drying and curing and in certain dried sausage products, naturally convert into nitrites during dry curing and in the intestinal tract.
Pancetta (pan-CHEH-tuh) - Italian pork-belly bacon cured with salt and spices, but not smoked. Available rolled in a cylinder and used to flavor pastas, sauces, meats and vegetable dishes.
Pig - A young domesticated hog weighing less than 120 pounds.
Pig, Suckling - A 6- to 8-week old pig. The meat is light in color, moist, flavorful and tender.
Pigs Feet - The front feet of a hog that have been removed from the shoulder slightly below the knee joints. Pigs feet are available fresh, cured, cooked or pickled.
Pigs in Blankets - Small cocktail sausages wrapped in pastry or bread dough, then baked. The term also refers to breakfast sausage wrapped in pancakes.
Pork - The fresh or salted meat from hogs when prepared for use as food.
Pork Belly - The boneless side portion of the hog remaining after removal of the loin, fatback and spareribs.
Porketta (por-KET-ta) - An Italian-style pork roast seasoned with fennel and garlic.
Primal - The major divisions when a carcass is separated. Pork primal cuts are leg, loin, belly, spareribs, shoulder and jowl.
Prosciutto (proh-SHOO-toh) - An Italian-style ham that has been seasoned, salt-cured and air-dried, but not smoked. This sweet, delicate flavored ham is thinly sliced before using.
Prosciutto Cotto (proh-SHOO-toh KO-tao) - Prosciutto that has been cooked prior to eating.
Prosciutto Crudo (proh-SHOO-toh KROO-doa) - Prosciutto that can be eaten raw because it has been fully cured.
Rack of Pork - The pork equivalent to a rack of lamb. Also called pork rib roast.
Render - A process of cooking meats over low heat to melt and extract fat from connective tissue.
Rib Roast—See Rack of Pork.
Riblet - Pork bones with meat and some fat.
Ribs - A cut of pork from the loin or side. Pork ribs come in three basic cuts—back ribs, spareribs and country-style ribs—depending on the section of the hog where originated.
Ribs, Back - A cut of pork from the blade and center section of the loin. Also called baby back ribs because they are smaller than spareribs.
Ribs, Country-Style - A cut of pork from the rib end of the loin. Country-style ribs are sold as either “slabs” (one piece) or in individual pieces. They are the meatiest variety of ribs.
Ribs, Spareribs - A cut of pork from the belly of the hog. This variety has the least amount of meat per bone, yet a favorite because of their delicious taste. Plan one pound per serving.
Rillettes (ree-YEHT; rih-LEHTS) - A French appetizer made from slowly cooking meat, usually pork or poultry, then mashing it into a paste and packing it into small ramekins. It is served chilled used as a spread on toast.
Roast n. - A large cut of pork from the loin, leg or shoulder. Common pork roasts include crown roast, loin roast and rib roast.
Roasting v. - A method of cooking pork in the oven in an uncovered pan, and without adding liquid to the pan.
Rub - A mixture of spices, herbs and sometimes salt that is used to season pork.
Salami (sah-LAH-mee) - A highly seasoned, Italian-style sausage made from pork and beef. Salami is rarely smoked, yet similar to cervelates in that both styles are cured and air-dried.
Salt Pork - A fatty pork cut from the hog’s sides and belly that has been cured in salt. Usually used as a cooking fat or flavoring.
Sausage (SAW-sihj) - Highly seasoned ground meat typically stuffed into a casing. Available in links, patties and bulk. Sausage products may be cooked or uncooked, cured or uncured and smoked or unsmoked. The sausage family contains hundreds of varieties.
Sautéing (saw-TAY-ing; soh-TAY-ing) - A method of preparing pork by cooking it over direct heat in a small amount of fat.
Scrapple - A Pennsylvania Dutch dish made from chopped “scraps” of pork simmered with cornmeal and seasonings, then packed into a loaf pan and chilled. Scrapple is usually sliced and fried in butter or bacon fat before serving.
Shank - A cut of pork from the upper or lower portion of the foreleg (Picnic shoulder).
Shank End - The lower portion of the foreleg (Picnic shoulder). Also called hock.
Shoulder - Pork from the front leg (either the upper arm Picnic section or lower blade Boston-style section). The terminology for pork shoulder can vary widely depending on the region. The Boston-style section is also called a shoulder butt or Boston Butt.
Smoked; Smoking - A process to preserve and flavor pork by exposing it to smoke, or applying liquid smoke externally as a curing ingredient.
Sow - An adult female hog.
Spam - A registered trademark name for a canned ground pork shoulder and ham product introduced by the Hormel Company in 1937.
Stewing - A method of cooking a less tender cut of pork by simmering it over low heat in enough liquid to cover the meat. Also called cooking in liquid.
Subprimal - Basic cuts of meat from a primal. Subprimal cuts are further produced into retail cuts.
Sweetbreads - The thymus gland or pancreas of calves or lambs, and sometimes young hogs. Pork sweetbreads are slightly stronger in flavor than sweetbreads from other young animals, and usually need to be special ordered.
Tenderloin - An elongated, tender muscle from the loin. Available whole as a tenderloin roast or sliced as tenderloin filets or medallions.
Tripe - The stomach lining from cattle, and sometimes hogs and sheep. It has a subtle flavor and tender texture.
Variety Meats - The edible organs and glands from meat animals. Variety meats include the brain, heart, kidney, pancrease (sweetbreads) and hog intestines (chitterlings).
Wiener (WEE-nuhr) - See Frankfurter.
Wild Boar - A wild hog in which most domesticated hogs were derived. The lean meat is darker and richer in flavor than pork.
Wurst (WURST; VURSHT) - German for “sausage.”

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

Se fortalece la Alianza Estratégica entre The U.S. Meat Export Federation y el Grupo Promotor del Cerdo Mexicano

Derivado de la reunión celebrada el pasado 7 de septiembre en las instalaciones de CANACINTRA, el día de hoy hemos suscrito un MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU), con la finalidad de impulsar la promoción del Consumo de la Carne de Cerdo en México.

Este es un paso importante, pues por primera vez, se realizará un esfuerzo binacional conjunto, para recuperar el consumo de carne de cerdo per cápita en México, el cual se sitúa actualmente en alrededor de 16 kg/percapita/anual y se pretende que alcance los niveles de 24 kg/percapita/anual que tuvimos hace unos años

Estaremos en los próximos dias, dándoles a conocer a todos los Amigos del Cerdo Mexicano y a los Fans de Soy Fan de la Carne de Cerdo Mexicano, sobre las acciones que realizaremos en el marco de esta importante alianza estratégica

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

Seminario Campaña Generica de Promoción al Consumo de Cerdo

La US Meat Export Federation, durante el Seminario realizado en las instalaciones de CANACINTRA el pasado viernes 7 de septiembre y al que acudieron representantes de las asociaciones de porcicultores del DF e Hidalgo, asi como integrantes de los Comites de Fomento y Protección Pecuaria de ambas entidades, junto con instituciones como SAGARPA, PRONAVIBES, CANACINTRA, el COMECARNE y ANALAV y empresas como SANOX, BM Editores, Grupo Previmin, entre otros, dio a conocer las estrategias que ha seguido para impulsar el consumo de carne de cerdo en México, mediante una campaña genérica de consumo de carne de cerdo sin distinguir su país de origen

Con el Objetivo:  Elevar el consumo per cápita de carne de cerdo en México, ayudando a todos los proveedores del mercado.

El programa está diseñado para durar 3-5 años que si resulta exitoso, se convertirá en un esfuerzo de largo plazo

La Campaña esta enfocada en:

- La Campaña busca aumentar el consumo por persona de toda la carne de cerdo en México

- La carne de cerdo de EEUU pierde identidad

- Puede fortalecer relaciones positivas con la industria nacional

- La Campaña se concentra en el “Placer" y "Disfrute del sabor" (valores y atributos de la carne de cerdo), descubierto por investigación de mercado

- Se refuerza con mensajes sobre salud, nutrición como algo secundario

- Se concentra en el aumento de la demanda de carne de cerdo para ser cocinada en casa

- Proporciona recetas fáciles de hacer, para cocinarse entre semana en casa

- Esta enfocada al consumo de carne fresca de cerdo

y se ha desarrollado a través de:

Anuncios en TV de 10 y 20 segundos

Anuncios en TV a nivel nacional

•Canal 2

•Canal 13


Principalmente transmitidos entre 8AM y 11AM de lunes a sábado.

Anuncios en paradas de camiones



Y material POP en puntos de venta (supermercados principalmente)

Se acordó entre los asistentes integrar una comisión centro pais para fortalecer la promoción del consumo, asi como fortalecer la alianza estratégica con la USMEF para que la campaña tenga mayor impacto, sobre todo considerando que el DF y su zona metropolitana consumen casi el 50% de la carne de cerdo fresca que se tiene disponible en el pais y esto implica una derrama económica de mas de $14,000'000,000 anuales (solo en carne fresca)

Expectativas de Certificación de Libre de FPC ante el APHIS USDA

De importancia toral para el comercio mundial de carne de cerdo, es el contar con las certificaciones, por parte de los paises importadores, es por ello, que se está trabajando en el "Proyecto para el Reconocimiento de Pais Libre de Fiebre Porcina Clásica y de Enfermedad de Newcastle de México por los Estados Unidos de América", proyecto que es operado por el SENASICA/SAGARPA y Sheesley Enterprises LLC, despacho consultor que trabaja bajo el patrocinio de U.S. Meat Export Federation.

Los objetivos generales de este proyecto son:

- Reconocimiento internacional por USDA del Estatus de Libre de Fiebre Porcina Clásica en México.
- Favorecer la comunicación bilateral entre México y Estados Unidos de América para obtener el reconocimiento del “Estatus Libre” de Fiebre Porcina Clásica (FPC) de México que permita la exportación y el comercio bilateral de productos porcinos entre los dos países.

y sus objetivos específicos son, brindar asesoria en:

•Certificación por EUA de los laboratorios de diagnóstico oficiales de México (CPA).
•Programas de vigilancia epidemiológica de FPC
•Segumiento y cierre de casos sospechosos.
•Planes de emergencia de eliminación de focos.
•Comunicación eficaz entre las autoridades sanitarias y los productores mexicanos.
•Reconocimiento mutuo y la confianza entre las autoridades sanitarias de México y Estados Unidos.
•Homologación de criterios y procedimientos en salud animal entre México y Estados Unidos.
•Lograr la exportación de productos porcícolas a EUA.

La Fiebre Porcina Clásica (FPC) es una de las enfermedades internacionalmente controladas que afecta el comercio internacional de cerdos y productos porcinos.

Los requisitos básicos para reconocer a un pais como Libre de Fiebre Porcina Clásica por parte del APHIS-USDA son:

1.Demostrar fehacientemente que no se ha detectado el virus de la FPC en un período de 12 meses, con un sistema eficiente de vigilancia epidemiológica activa y pasiva.

2.Demostrar que existe un programa permanente de vigilancia epidemiológica activa y pasiva para la detección del virus de la FPC.

3.Demostrar que se tiene la capacidad diagnóstica para la detección eficaz y oportuna del  virus de la FPC de acuerdo a la OIE.

4.Demostrar que existen los controles adecuados para evitar el ingreso de cerdos y productos porcícolas que provengan de países, zonas o compartimentos no reconocidos como libres de FPC.

5.Demostrar que existe un programa efectivo de emergencia para el control y cierre de focos en el caso de detectarse el virus de FPC.

6.Demostrar que existe una trazabilidad adecuada para los cerdos y/o los productos porcícolas que se desean exportar.

De acuerdo a la Organización Internacional de Salud Animal, cada país puede autodeclararse "Libre de Fiebre Porcina Clásica" (Como ya hizo nuestro pais en dias recientes), cumpliendo los siguientes puntos:

- Presentar la documentación suficiente para  sustentar que la enfermedad no ha sido detectada en un período de 12 meses, bajo un programa intensivo de vigilancia epidemiológica.

En caso de detectarse un caso de infección por el virus de FPC, el país, zona o compartimento puede recuperar su status sanitario de Libre de FPC tres meses después de haber aplicado sacrificio sanitario, desinfección y vigilancia epidemiológica.

De septiembre de 2010 a septiembre de 2012, se han realizado diversas actividades en conjunto SENASICA-USDA, con la colaboración de SHEESLEY ENTERPRISES LLC y la US Meat Export Federation

Capacitación en Diagnóstico y Vigilancia
-Curso de vigilancia y diagnóstico por personal de USDA y SENASICA: Enero de 2011.
-Capacitación de 5 técnicos de CPA en Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Plum Island, NY , febrero de 2011.
-5 cursos de vigilancia epidemiológica por SAGARPA-AMVEC en Mérida, Veracruz, D.F., Irapuato, Guadalajara, en 2011-2012

Homologación de técnicas de diagnóstico
-Evaluación de pruebas y resultados.
-Pruebas de Competencia interlaboratorios

Inspección de laboratorios de  Diagnóstico

Certificación de laboratorios de Diagnóstico
- Visilas a los laboratorios LBS 3: Palo Alto, LBS 2: Cuajimalpa, Zapotlanejo, Campeche, Mérida. Lab CENASA, Lab. El Salto.

Actualización de programas de vigilancia epidemiológica

Vista a actividades de vigilancia epidemiológica e investigaciones de campo.
-Visita a BC, BCS, Chihuahua, Nayarit, Sinaloa, Febrero de 2011.
- Visita a Campeche y Yucatán, abril 2011
-- Visita a Guanajuato. Noviembre de 2011.
-Visita a Jalisco, Michoacán y Guanajuato, Marzo 2012.
-Visita a Jalisco y Colima, Mayo 2012.

Evaluación de registro, seguimiento y cierre de casos sospechosos (2011-2012).

Reuniones bilaterales de negociación e intercambio de información
-McAllen Texas, agosto 2011.
-México, D.F. noviembre 2011.
-Jalisco, febrero 2012.

A la fecha se han logrado los siguientes avances:

1.- Se logró la certificación de los laboratorios oficiales de México para el diagnóstico de FPC.
Los resultados de los laboratorios de México se consideraron válidos a partir de septiembre de 2011.

2.- Se logró el reconocimiento del programa de vigilancia epidemiológica de México para la Fiebre Porcina Clásica.
Los resultados de la vigilancia epidemiológica de México se consideraron válidos a partir de septiembre de 2011.

3.- Se logró la confirmación del reconocimiento de los estados de Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chihuahua, Nayarit, Campeche, Yucatán y Quintana Roo como estados Libres de FPC. 2012.

4.-  Se finalizó favorablemente la evaluación de los estados de Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato y Querétaro, para ser reconocidos como estados libres de FPC.
Fecha tentativa de reconocimiento: Noviembre de 2012.

5.- Se inició el proceso de análisis para el reconocimiento del resto de los estados del país como Libres de Fiebre Porcina Clásica.

6.-  Se ha proyectado una visita de verificación al resto de los estados, para ser reconocidos como estados libres de FPC.
Fecha tentativa: Noviembre de 2012.

Se tiene todavía pendientes de reconocimiento a 15 Estados, a los que se realizara una visita de verificación:Chiapas, Coahuila, Distrito Federal, Durango, Estado de México, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Morelos, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz.
Fecha Tentativa: Noviembre de 2012

De continuar el trabajo conjunto y fortalecerlo, se considera que en 2013 se contará con la Certificación Nacional de Libre de Fiebre Porcina Clasica por parte del APHIS-USDA

domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

Con motivo de analizar las perspectivas de la Certificación de Libre de Fiebre Porcina Clásica por parte del APHIS USDA, les convocamos el próximo Viernes 7 de septiembre, a las 9 horas en punto, a las instalaciones de la Camara Nacional de la Industria de Transformación (CANACINTRA) en la Sala de Usos Múltiples del 5° piso.
 Importante que todos los integrantes de los Comités Sistema Producto Porcino y las Asociaciones de Porcicultores de los Estados de Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, DF, Morelos, Puebla y Estado de México asistan
Registren su asistencia en facebook aqui:
 Mayores informes
cel 2717497733
con Francisco Quintana Damian